PinnedPublished inBootcampMaking Professional Logos with Stable Cascade UX ReviewFollowing along with Matt Wolfe to generate logos for free using Stable Cascade and sharing my user experience.Feb 221Feb 221
PinnedPublished inBootcampFirst Time Trying Gemini UX ReviewA first-look UX review on Gemini, Google’s generative AI.Feb 17Feb 17
PinnedPublished inBootcampMAGNeT by Meta AI Music Generator UX ReviewA UX review on MAGNeT by Meta, a free AI music generator.Feb 9Feb 9
Published inBootcampUX Testing Paid Bookings and Customizable Features with TidyCal’s Lifetime PlanKaly’s experience switching from TidyCal Free to Lifetime.May 2May 2
Published inBootcampUX Testing Ideogram 1.0UX testing Ideogram text-to-image generator version 1.0 that includes improved generation and the new Magic Prompt.Mar 13Mar 13
Published inBootcampIntegrating My Calendar with TidyCal UX ReviewKaly’s experience signing up for and getting started with TidyCal’s calendar and booking solution.Feb 29Feb 29
Published inShort. Sweet. Valuable.What I learned from completing the Medium Writing ChallengeWhat I learned from consistently writing Medium posts for 30 days.Feb 212Feb 212
Published inShort. Sweet. Valuable.Family DayMedium Writing Challenge Day 29: an upcoming holidayFeb 20Feb 20
Published inShort. Sweet. Valuable.Yummy yummy CAFO meat in your tummyMedium Writing Challenge Day 28: an injusticeFeb 19Feb 19